In Conversation With: Melbourne Wedding Photographer Dee of Finder Seeker


Dee from Finder Seeker developed a deep passion for photography thanks to her father, who taught her the art of capturing moments with his old Nikon film cameras. From documenting the love and connection of couples to capturing the emotional highs of wedding days, Dee’s journey into wedding photography feels like a natural progression of her early fascination with human connection. Her unique style, rooted in fine art and a candid approach, allows her to tell each couple's love story with honesty and creativity.

Interview Alexander Ross


“…As they were announced partners I cried. The weight of their story and everything else that had gone before them, before myself within the LGBTQIA+ to get us to this moment was momentous.”

What first sparked your passion for wedding photography?

In a word- my dad. When I was 14 my dad taught me to photograph on his old Nikon film cameras. He was a keen amateur fishing journalist. A lot of my childhood was spent trapezing the east coast of the country together for his work, he’d often talk me through his camera settings and how to read the light and it was here that my love of photography was born close to 25 years ago!

Photographing weddings, intimacy and people in love felt like a natural progression. I was fascinated with documenting human connection and how to express that through my camera lens. When in my 20’s a few of my friends were married and they asked me to photograph their wedding days I jumped at the chance.

I’ve been photographing weddings professionally for 12 years now and I am still awed and humbled by the fact that I get to be a part of such a beautiful, joyous, emotion-charged day of my couples’ lives.

How would you describe your unique style?

I’d describe my style as bold, candid, honest and relaxed. I love crafting images that are candid in nature with a creative edge.

First and foremost, I’m a keen observer of what is unfolding around me. I’ll never ask anything of my couples that isn’t honest.

I have a background in Fine Art and this influences the way I see the world and the way I photograph. I keep things super relaxed but am also very aware artistically of how I am crafting my images.

Is there a particular wedding or moment you’ve captured that holds special significance for you? 

Shortly after the Marriage Act equality reform in 2017 two women, who had been together for 35 years came to me to photograph their wedding. Can you even imagine being with the love of your life for 35 YEARS and not being able to have that legally recognised?

As they were announced partners I cried. The weight of their story and everything else that had gone before them, before myself within the LGBTQIA+ to get us to this moment was momentous.

I felt the gravity of that day in the most profound way and it’s stuck with me ever since.

What are some of the most unforgettable interactions or experiences you've had with couples on their wedding day?

It’s hard to pin down just a few individual experiences- There’s a roller coaster of emotion unfolding in front of me and it’s such an incredible, privileged vantage point to have.

A favourite part of the day for me is right after my couples’ are announced as partners. There’s a sudden surge of emotion followed by a huge release, it’s palpable, the energy is electric. When I close my eyes and think of all the beautiful days I’ve been a part of, it’s this moment that is front and center of my mind time and time again.

What do you love most about capturing weddings, and how do you ensure each couple's unique love story is told through your photos? 

I know it sounds a little odd but I will often tell my couples when we first meet that what I love about photographing weddings the most is that even though yes, I’m a vendor who is being paid to take photos, what they receive in a way is priceless.

What I guess I’m trying to say is what I love the most about photographing weddings is the understanding of just how integral the images I take are going to be for my couples, even if they don’t realise it at the time. In my own little way I feel like my images are a sort of giving back. Like here, this is me in the world, this is what I do, and this is how I see you, and you and your loved ones are beautiful.

These kind words from one of my couples perfectly sums up my “why.”

“Every time I look at our photos, I don’t just remember how I felt in that moment, I see it. I see how happy Jack looked the entire day, how utterly themself they looked. And I see how the people around us look at us with nothing but love. I think this is Dee’s greatest talent: she’s a master at capturing emotion and reflecting it back to you, showing you even if you can’t usually see it yourself.”

I take the time to create a safe space for my couples to really let their personalities shine through and to feel comfortable in my presence. I love to get to know my couples so that by the time it’s their wedding we feel like friends. I encourage my couples to lean into their own unique quirks that make them “them.” This is where the beautiful stuff is and it’s from this space that I can tell each couple’s unique love story.

Can you offer any heartfelt advice to couples on how they can feel more relaxed and natural in front of the camera on their wedding day?

First and foremost be yourselves! Plan a day that is whole heartedly you- Whether it’s an intimate moody elopement or a party extravaganza, staying true to yourselves will go a long way in keeping you both relaxed and in the moment and this in turn will naturally feed into your photos.

Investing in a good photographer, who’s work you love and even more importantly who you feel comfortable with, who you can connect with on a human level will go a long way to keeping you relaxed and natural, and feeling like your gorgeous selves in front of the camera.

How do you keep your creative energy and inspiration flowing, especially when wedding photography can be so demanding? 

I’m all about balance, both personally and professionally. I like to have little creative side projects on the go and to just live a life that is true and honest to myself. I take time to be still and love cold water swimming and meditation.

I also cap the amount of wedding commissions I take on each year so that I can stay fresh, rested, creative and be 100% here for each of my beautiful couples.


Find Finder Seeker online by CLICKING HERE or follow on Instagram at @finderseekerphotography


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