In Conversation with Wedding Planner Sonya of Evenio


From television production in the entertainment capital of the world to the picturesque wedding venues of Melbourne and beyond, Sonya of Evenio (pron. even - eo) seamlessly transitioned into the wedding planning industry with her keen eye for detail and creative flair. Inspired by her passion for aesthetics and her dual skills in organisation and creativity, she has built a rewarding career crafting unforgettable wedding experiences.

Interview Alexander Ross


“What I find most rewarding about my work is knowing that I made a contribution to someone’s emotional well-being.”

What inspired you to become a wedding planner, and how did you get started in the industry?

Having done television production for many years in none other than the entertainment capital of the world, being a stickler for details and always infusing a sense of creative flair to everything I do, I knew that planning and producing would be a constant in my life. So it was just a matter of what to produce and for whom. Naturally, events came to mind and when offered the opportunity of a new start - when I moved to Melbourne from the US - I decided to create my own business doing what I love and do best. That is how it all began, and the journey so far has been nothing but fulfilling and rewarding on many levels!

As for what inspired me to focus primarily on weddings? The aesthetics of it all, no doubt! In addition to making things run efficiently, I feel incomplete if I don’t exercise my creativity and make things pretty as well. I guess you could say I’m one of those individuals with a “golden brain,” meaning I use both, the right and the left side of my brain equally. So, planning weddings provided that outlet for me. I can use both my organisational / problem-solving skills and my creative skills to give couples the best day possible. 

Can you share some of the most memorable weddings you've planned, and what made them stand out?

Oh my, hard to pick. They’ve all been memorable in their own way. 

I do have to say I love a good challenge! So though each wedding I’ve done has been unforgettable, I’ll mention two in particular that stand out because they challenged me in ways that fewer other events have in the course of my journey. 

1. International weddings are a dream, but as we know, they are not the easiest to plan. Time differences, vendor vetting, and language barriers, are just some of the hurdles one has to navigate. Planning a wedding in the Maldives was very demanding because of the secluded nature of the location and the lack of variety in terms of vendor choices. Though complex and fatiguing, it was amazing to have gone through the experience of building a truly memorable day in such an exquisite location. 

2. Last year’s grandiose wedding at the Royal Exhibition Building is another one that comes to mind. The REB is not, by far, your typical wedding venue. On the contrary, they don’t generally do weddings in the space. The building is larger than life in every way you can think possible and what’s more, the guest list for this wedding was well over 300 guests. The planning process was long and arduous. Regardless, we had a ball and delivered like never before. I would do it all over again in a heartbeat. 

What are some common challenges couples face when planning their weddings, and how do you help them overcome these challenges?

The biggest ones I can think of are stress, overwhelm, not knowing how to put it all together aesthetically, which vendors to choose and how to prioritise their budgets. 

Besides my knowledge of the industry, I pride myself on being very calm, patient, creative, extremely organised and overall a good listener, all of which bodes well with wedding planning. It is a very emotional and hectic process for most couples. All they want is to have a beautiful, hassle-free and fun wedding without having to compromise their sanity or a huge chunk of their busy time to achieve it. 

So, our goal is to take all of the unsavoury away and leave our clients with a day like no other and extreme gratitude for having hired us. That’s when we know we’ve done our job well. 

How do you personalise each wedding to reflect the couple's unique style and preferences?

Easy, it is all about listening, getting to know your clients, understanding what they want and making it happen. There's really no secret sauce. As long as you know that it is not about you, but about them, you’ll deliver a wedding that suits their personalities and styles.  

What trends are you currently seeing in wedding planning, and how do you incorporate them into your work?

I believe the biggest trend this year continues to be uniqueness. Whether a client is looking for a distinctive reflection of themselves or a grandiose event, couples really want their wedding to be innovative and to stand out. Some of the tendencies they are adopting to enhance their special day are:                                                               

- Bold and vibrant colour palettes that make a statement        

- Tulle and veils, which are making a comeback, especially those with intricate embroidery - think your great grandma's veil with a modern twist!                                      

- Film flash photography to evoke a sense of rawness and spontaneity

- Miniature, elaborate pastries and cakes as a wow factor

- And of course, content creators that will capture visual content tailored specifically for social media platforms and immediate sharing

How do you manage the logistics and coordination of vendors to ensure a seamless wedding day?

There is no question that I’m a bit OCD and your typical A type personality, so I put a lot of effort into details and communication, which, in my opinion, are the backbone of any successful event. For this reason, my timelines are well thought out and thorough. I work very closely with my vendors and always seek their expert input to make sure, collectively, we deliver the best possible outcome. I conduct my business with professionalism, commitment and dedication, so I expect that from every vendor I work with. A planner’s job is to make sure that the client’s wedding develops seamlessly and successfully and that cannot happen unless you work in a team and with a good team. 

What advice do you have for couples who are just starting the wedding planning process?

Hire a wedding planner. Planning a wedding is very time consuming and often a stressful endeavor for couples to attempt without professional support. And even if you enjoy the planning, a seasoned professional can always enhance any of your ideas by bringing in their industry knowledge and experience. 

And if you do hire someone, please make sure there is a good connection between you and your planner and you are a good fit for each other. 

How do you handle unexpected issues or changes that may arise during the planning process or on the wedding day?

The key here is to be organised, and proactive and to plan thoroughly while always having a well-thought-out contingency plan. A good backup plan can ensure any issues that arise. i.e. weather changes, dietary requirements that were not catered for, vendor issues, etc., are handled quickly and seamlessly without added stress.

Can you share some tips for couples who are working with a tight budget but still want to have a beautiful wedding?

There are many ways to keep your budget in line. Below are a few examples: 

- Don’t make Pinterest your guiding light and avoid the comparison game. It’s ok to look for inspiration in social platforms, but put your money on the things that define you as a couple, the things that make you happy overall. The rest are add-ons worth investing in only if there is enough funds after you’ve got your priorities covered. 

- Choose a day other than Saturday. You’ll find venues often charge less on a Friday or Sunday; and even less on Monday to Thursday.  

- Take advantage of venue inclusions. For example, don’t go hiring or buying a Wishing Well if the venue includes one. And while we’re at it, save on non-essential signage like Wishing Well, Guest Book and Bar signs. You may also want to give bonbonniere a second thought. After all, do you know what you did with the one you got at your cousin or best friend’s wedding? 

- Avoid last-minute bookings. 

- Talk to your florist/stylist about using flowers that are in season. It is cheaper to source locally than to have them imported from overseas. And also, think about repurposing. It not only saves you money, it is less waste overall. 

What do you find most rewarding about being a wedding planner, and what keeps you passionate about your work?

What I find most rewarding about my work is knowing that I made a contribution to someone’s emotional well-being. 

What keeps me passionate about my work is finding new ways to keep motivated and challenges that make me grow both, personally and professionally. 

At the end of the day, as strenuous as planning a wedding may be, the sense of appreciation from our clients as we deliver on their special day makes all of the effort worthwhile.  


Evenio can be found on THEODORE by CLICKING HERE or on Instagram at @evenioaustralia


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