Say ‘Yes’ to the Ring: Eliise Maar Jewellery


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Back in 2013, Eliise Maar made a bold decision… to start her own Jewellery label. Fast forward to 2015 and Eliise Maar Fine Jewellery was born.


Her collections of hand-crafted pieces are designed to embrace the wild and unique beauty of each and every individual. Each piece is carefully hand-made out of her Melbourne studio using only the finest of locally sourced metals and gemstones.

Mr Theodore sat with Eliise to chat all things Eliise Maar Fine Jewellery.

What inspired you to start your Jewellery brand?

Eliise Maar Jewellery was born in 2015. I was always passionate about crafting and loved creating things, and then I found jewellery for myself. I never wore much jewellery before starting my brand; I just wanted something super simple and minimal. My journey began by experimenting with non-precious metals and materials and then moved on to more finer materials. I love that I can translate all the different skills I've learnt earlier by doing ceramics, painting, sculpture etc. into my jewellery work. I can't believe it's almost been 5 years already!

What sets an Eliise Maar piece apart from the rest?

I take a lot of pride in my customer service and design process. I love to be very thorough in consulting for the perfect piece. 

It's not just about the outcome - a beautiful piece of jewellery, it's about the feeling of getting something made you've always dreamt of. 

Are all your designs uniquely your own? Or do you work with couples to create a piece that is entirely what they want?

I love working with couples and firstly get their ideas and direction for the pieces. Then I go off and translate that into my design language and aesthetic.

Some couples have a very concrete understanding of what they like, and some couples need more guidance in finding what they love. That's where I can help.

I make regular trips to Sydney to meet with my couples as well. My next visit is booked in for January 16th -19th and I am taking bookings for consultations now. 

Tell us a little about wedding rings for 2 grooms? Can grooms have diamonds too?

OF COURSE. It's all about how bold the grooms are. There are many ways of incorporating diamonds & gemstones. The dull days are over - bring on the diamonds for grooms!

Now the big question! How long do you need to create an engagement or wedding ring?

It depends on the complexity of the design. Simpler designs take only 7-10 business days to make.

I would suggest getting in touch a month or two in advance to get an idea of how long your design would take.

More elaborate designs take up to 4 weeks usually. Get in touch and don't leave it to last-minute.



To see more of Eliise Maar’s spectacular work, as well as to book in a consultation with her, visit her page on Mr Theodore by clicking HERE.


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