Introducing The Destination Wedding Club: A New Way To Plan Your Destination Wedding


Introducing The Destination Wedding Club, an essential online course by Josh Tully Management for couples planning their wedding overseas. Designed to simplify the complex process, this step-by-step guide is packed with years of expert knowledge to make your destination wedding dream a reality. Thinking of a destination wedding but don’t know where to start? We speak with founder Josh Tully to discover the inspiration behind this comprehensive online resource and what sets it apart from other wedding planning tools.

Interview Alexander Ross


Josh and Steph of The Destination Wedding Club

Photo By Kathleen Spears

“This course is years of experience poured into an easy-to-navigate online guide for any couple planning a wedding overseas...”

What inspired the creation of The Destination Wedding Club, and what sets it apart from other wedding planning resources?

This course is years of experience poured into an easy-to-navigate online guide for any couple planning a wedding overseas. Initially, it was a way to help couples that couldn’t afford to hire our planning services, and then as I was creating it I was realising just how important this information is for anyone embarking on this journey. I love the idea of being able to pass on my own knowledge to others, in a ‘pay it forward’ kind of mentality. There really isn’t another online course like this, which is created by planners. There are variations out there but TDWC is every detail from start to finish. 

Can you walk us through the process of how couples can benefit from your online course? 

After they sign up for the course they will be guided through the entire process not just from a tick list but being in a way that I feel is real, people have said that they have felt that they feel like they have a planner which gives them support. 

They are also encouraged to really embrace moments of the process such as working out what both people involved want or even like, finding venues but also understanding what is important for them. Throughout the course, there are tips and tricks, as well as step-by-step processes and multiple downloadable documents – my favourite being the downloadable Canva template for our style guide. I’ve been creating these for years for every client so it's fun to pass this on. 

With over 10 years of industry experience, how does this expertise translate into the content and guidance provided in The Destination Wedding Club?

It’s a direct download of what’s in my brain to be honest… it’s how Josh Tully management has been planning weddings successfully since the beginning, genuinely I have no clue how anyone could even consider planning a wedding overseas without either a planner or the contents of this course…genuinely. 

Photo By Zephyr Kok Photography

What are some common challenges couples face when planning a destination wedding, and how does The Destination Wedding Club address and overcome these challenges?

Truly it’s the ‘not knowing where to start’ – and knowing what comes first. The course educates them on what to do and at what stage, allowing them the space to breathe and take it step by step. There is info about timings of when to send invitations or when they should consider speaking with suppliers, they also get a downloadable timeline template as well as a scheduling document. I really feel that this course is where all couples planning a wedding should start, as they can then move forward with confidence and will ultimately enjoy the whole process much more. 

The idea of an exclusive online community for destination couples sounds intriguing. How does this community function, and what are the benefits of being part of it?

This is something that we are excited to grow as the course does, the members can engage in online conversations about a specific topic within the planning process. But also they can contact planners like myself at any time, we will also be launching Q&A webinars where the members can ask us questions directly and connect with like-minded people going through the same journey.  

Delegating tasks and responsibilities for the wedding weekend can be daunting. How does The Destination Wedding Club guide couples through this process to ensure a smooth execution of their plans?

So, the success of the weekend is down to the planning in the months before but also the team of suppliers you decide on. In the course, this is also highlighted, what they should be asking from their florist or photographer for example. Since my first wedding, I have created what is called a function sheet, this document is a complete breakdown of each element of the weekend, and timings, and they are advised to send this to all their suppliers. It’s a great way of ensuring everyone is dancing to the same tune. 

Can you share some insights into the most common mistakes and pitfalls couples encounter when planning a destination wedding, and how The Destination Wedding Club helps them avoid these?

I believe if you were to ask couples it would be budgeting and probably overspending on elements that just aren’t important but they buy into it because of sites like Pinterest. During the course they are given information on what is important and what is just a ‘nice to have’ – these items can really add up, and ultimately could be the difference in being able to hire a photographer for an additional day. There is a lot of advice around budgeting as well as a budget tracker to help them understand what they are spending and in which areas. I also know it's that feeling when they get closer to the wedding and they feel they’ve taken on too much, we really encourage couples to ask for help, assign jobs, and lean on the people around them and the professionals they’ve hired. I have always said it takes an army to plan a destination wedding, they need to find their army. 

For couples who may be hesitant about investing in an online course for wedding planning, what would you say are the most compelling reasons to join The Destination Wedding Club?

I guess it would be the confidence it will give you, the conversations it will start with you and your partner and the practical features that will genuinely help any couple embarking on this journey. I don’t want to make any promises, but I know for a fact that more than one of the tips within the course will save couples the cost of the course 2 – 3 times over.


Find THE DESTINATION WEDDING CLUB online by CLICKING HERE or follow on Instagram at @thedestweddingclub


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