Matthew and David: A Family Affair


You could say it was their children that brought Matthew and David together, having met 7 years ago on a Father's Day picnic in Perth's Kings Park. From there, their relationship grew, flourishing not only as partners but together as a family.

Photography MT Weddings | Location Perth, W.A


How and when did you meet? 

Matt: We met initially through a group called "Gay Dads WA" on a Father's Day picnic in Kings Park around 7 years ago, where our kids played together. We always knew of each other through the group but never really crossed paths until a couple of years later, we met again or "officially" at a friend's birthday party. (Matt)

Tell us a little about the first time you met?

Matt: It was at a mutual friend's birthday party. Immediately feeling a connection and undeniable chemistry, we spent most of the night talking, flirting and dancing the night away to some killer 90's tunes.

What was the first thing you noticed about each other?

Matt: For me, it was David's gorgeous smile, and he showed a real authenticity and genuine nature whilst seeming so comfortable within himself. That and the amazing dance moves.

David: It was Matt's smile; he says a smile is more than just a mouth, it's also in the eyes and face. It was how Matt's smile lights up his face. 

Tell us about some standout moments in your relationship...

Matt: Our first trip down south, just David and I, to these beautiful stone cottages in Beedalup (Pemberton, south of Perth), which we do every year now, that was a defining moment in our relationship. We spent the whole weekend without phone reception and in each other's company exploring, laughing and talking about everything, our future, our wants and goals. 

Also, our first trip together through Thailand as a family. We have 3 kids between us (2 girls – Montana and Tamsyn, 1 Boy – Evan). It was an amazing experience not only through the culture of Thailand but also as a family bonding journey.

Moving in together as a family in September 2016. We remember it not just being exciting for us, but also the kids, in seeing the house together and getting to choose their rooms.

Have you ever faced any issues of non-acceptance?

Matt: We have had some "not so nice" experiences with some extended family members; however, it hasn't been anyone close. We are fortunate to have very supportive family members, friends, community and even work colleagues/careers where mostly it is a non-issue. We are incredibly thankful for how lucky we are. 

What does marriage mean to you?

Matt and David: Marriage to us means a commitment to your best friend and lover that you want to spend the rest of your life with them and share every moment. To wake up next to them every day, the security of love, trust and having that person that you can always rely on. Someone to talk to, someone who will always have your back and believe in each you, one that isn't afraid to tell you the truth and someone that doesn't want to change who you are but encourages you to live your true self. 

Who proposed and how?

Matt: I proposed to David on the 15th September 2018 at our home in North Perth in front of our kids, 3 of our closest friends and singer Ezereve, who's been part of our journey through to our wedding, all as a surprise to David. I had organised for our mate Brock to turn our house into a food tasting evening for his new café that he was opening. We had to be kicked out of our own home for Brock to set up, David was not happy with this, and I remember thinking, "David, just go with this and trust me", but having to keep cool while my anxiety was going crazy!

We went to another friend's house for "Pre-drinks" while Brock and others set up the house. Once we arrived, Brock met us all (everyone attending the tasting) at the bottom of the driveway, blindfolding us for the taste testing and ushering us up the driveway and into place. I then had to run, get the ring and be ready. I had David walk through a collection of floating photos of our kids and us as he made his way to be out in the yard. Thank goodness it all came together perfectly, and he said yes! 

When did you get married?

Friday, 22nd January 2021. We were supposed to be married on the 4th April 2020. However, 2 weeks before the wedding day, we went into lockdown because of COVID; therefore we had to postpone.

What was the most important thing to you surrounding your wedding?

Matt: Family, friends and community. It was especially important for us to have our kids there and, in particular, both our Mum's who walked us both down the aisle. We had to cancel the first wedding due to lockdown when David's Mum, who lives in South Australia wasn't able to get into the state. We're so glad we waited. Our incredible group of friends who supported us unconditionally and our local community where we live (City of Vincent) have always supported us and have been part of our journey. They shared our story as part of the "Yes" campaign, and both the Mayor and State MP for Perth, who are now really good friends of ours, attended the wedding. 

Where did you find the bulk of your inspiration?

Matt: Common interests, roots, country, family, a collection of things that described who we are in all facets. From our love of our family, our kids, a location that had meaning to us, our love of Australian design and country influence, embracing and loving who we are as part of our LGBTI community, and of course a touch of glam, and lots of champagne! Instagram and Pinterest helped us put it together. 

How did you choose your suppliers? 

Matt: Through word of mouth, recommendations and friends mainly. We also used google, websites and meeting with suppliers to get the right feel for us. Being a same-sex couple, it was essential for us to feel completely comfortable because on the day, you are so vulnerable and open, and you want to be able to do that without judgement on such a special day.

Any standout suppliers?

Matt: To be honest, all our suppliers were so good, we were so lucky.

Kirk Goodsell, our celebrant, is one of our close friends and someone we've known for a long time through the Gay Dads WA family group we mentioned earlier. He's one of our favourite people, and we couldn't think of anyone else to marry us, especially someone who knows us but is also so good at what he does. 

Ezereve, our singer, was someone who'd been with us since the proposal, to our engagement and our wedding. This journey would never have been the same without her. Not only is she just an incredible singer, but she is also so lovely and genuine. We got her to learn the Schitt's Creek version of Simply the Best for us, and even now, I think it's the best we've ever heard. 

Mitch & Tijana, our photographer/videographer, we actually met last out of the people we met with and just felt a genuine connection with them. It was their style that interested us, but also their connection with each other that sold it as we knew they would work seamlessly together. They made us feel incredibly comfortable in very vulnerable moments.

Brandon, our MC and DJ (Off the wall productions), was a recommendation from Kirk and Ezereve, of which we were initially undecided about having a DJ and MC. We are so glad we did and that we picked him, he was phenomenal! 

Any surprises on your wedding day? Or anything that didn't go to plan?

Matt: Not that I remember. Marrying a project manager meant that everything was scheduled and planned so incredibly well. Every detail was considered and thought of, so we could just have an amazing time.

What was the most difficult thing about planning your wedding?

Matt: Worrying about another lockdown! With the first one being cancelled, re-coordinating everything was hard to line up. Well, I say this, but David was the star here and did most of it. In some ways, this was a blessing after the first one was cancelled, we ended up changing the format of the wedding. Originally it was a family and friends wedding and family only reception as we had 5 weeks booked in Europe. However, with COVID, we had to cancel that. This meant we altered the wedding and reception to be slightly larger and include our friends and family. Best decision we made as we had the most incredible time and couldn't have imagined it any other way.

Where did you spend your honeymoon?

Matt: With COVID taking away our 5-week honeymoon to Europe, we planned to take a 10-day trip down south to wine country and explore. However, the opportunity then came up for us to buy our dream block of land and build our dream home, so we have put the honeymoon on hold while building a new home for us and the kids. 

Any advice for other couples planning their day and finding it difficult to navigate the journey?

Matt: Don't get caught up on what others want you to do, stay true to your vision and how you want your day. It is, after all, your day. Take recommendations, meet with vendors to get a feel for who you connect with and make decisions that are for you both; ultimately, you get to make the call.


Photographer MT Weddings

Videographer MT Weddings

Venue State Buildings

Accommodation The Como Treasury

Suits Politix

Flowers Sweet Floral

Cake Queen of Cakes

Stationery Barley Boy

Celebrant Kirk Goodsell

MC/DJ Of The Wall Promotions

Singer Ezereve

Rings Ecali


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